Protection of Landmark Buildings in New York City

New York City’s historic landmarks are an integral part of the city’s vibrant culture and landscape. In 1965, the City of New York established the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) to address the loss of historically significant properties, most notably the original Pennsylvania Station, built in 1911. The LPC defines a landmark as “a building, property or object that has a special character or special historical or aesthetic interest or value as part of the development, heritage, or cultural characteristics of the city, state, or nation.”

Since then, over 36,000 properties across New York City have earned landmark status. Once designated, any alterations, reconstructions, demolitions, or new construction involving these buildings must receive approval from the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC). This applies not only to individual landmarks but also to structures within designated historic districts.

Although part of the landmark preservation regulations includes maintaining a building’s architectural style and character, there are more than aesthetics involved. Historic structures can be more susceptible to damage from construction activities than newer more modern buildings. Vibration levels from construction activities in areas adjacent to historic buildings can also impact these buildings and their foundations. Historic buildings can be significantly affected by demolition and foundation work being conducted in the vicinity.

New York City building code requires surveying and monitoring of construction work within a 90-foot radius of any designated landmark. Technical policy TP 10/88 details the types of surveying and monitoring that must be in place at these building sites. A complete monitoring program in a landmark building or adjacent area includes a combination of services such as pre-construction surveys (existing conditions photographic documentation), Optical Structure Survey, remote or manned seismographic vibration monitoring equipment, crack gauge monitoring, and tilt meter monitoring.

Pre-construction surveys and ongoing vibration monitoring play a vital role in identifying potential issues both before and during construction projects. These proactive measures are integral to a comprehensive strategy aimed at safeguarding not only historic structures and local residents but also the interests of developers, building owners, contractors, and site engineers.Detailed information and the latest updates on the NYC LPC can be found here. To learn more about how we are protecting landmark buildings in NYC, our services, or how we can help you with your next construction project, contact us today.